Master Mail Maker
Restorer and lecturer since 1992.

"Nick is without question one of the very best modern mailmakers. As a craftsman, he is a master of unparalleled experience; as a conservator, in high demand among museums and private collectors.
He has an unrivalled hands-on knowledge of original pieces"
- Dr Tobias Capwell FSA (Armour Curator and Jouster)
I have been restoring both Indo-Persian and European mail for many years, for museums, private collectors, dealers and enthusiasts.
It is not enough to know just how to make mail, you need to understand and recognise historical anomalies, to know the difference between contemporary mistakes and later ones, and damage caused by bad storage or inexperienced repair, what is original and what is modern.
It is essential understand the ethics and your responsibility to preserve the story of the piece and not to destroy its history.
Restoration, or more importantly, stabilisation, can be achieved to different degrees, from detailed photography before during and after, to comprehensive mapping.
Whatever is decided by the client, any rings I put in are always stamped with my initials or that of the museum and a report is written.
"I would trust Nick with any original mail piece in my care"
Dr Tobias Capwell FSA (Armour Curator, Wallace Collection)

My passion for sharing knowledge with the younger generation has created opportunities to teach at some truly wonderful historic sites. Using a hands-on approach my talks on arms, armour, general medieval history and mail making have been praised at Windsor and Alnwick castles as well as various schools.
"I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand." (Confucius, via Pete Butler)
I have a huge range of armour, weapons, shields and other items to complement the subject matter and increase the hands-on experience.
"I don't think I could tire listening to you about history"
Oggie Soscik (Head of History, Hall School)

I make all periods of mail in butted, riveted (pin, wedge and staple), punched, forge welded, theta, mail and plate, European, Eastern and even fantasy.
I can produce mail authentically, as close to period pieces as is possible. Although I have been asked many times to make various things (the Sutton Hoo coat for National Trust for example) the work involved and time required is rarely understood. There is a big difference between authentic mail and flat, riveted washers!
That said, I also make things from imported mail or tailor it so that it functions properly. Rings are checked for integrity, sub-standard ones are discarded and replaced, and when completed, it will be lighter, feel less cumbersome, be more reliable and, above all, safer.
The difference between stock and tailored mail is a marked one.
"Nick is a true craftsman whose passion for history and authentic detail shines... The work he's done on my maille is frankly astonishing!"
Matt Lewis

I consult on the provenance of historical mail items as well as on the authenticity of armour for TV and films.
"He lifts production values beyond expectations. Nick is a rare talent"
Mike Loades - Author, Director & TV Presenter

Advisory Service
I can offer advice on any projects you are undertaking, either by phone, e-mail, skype or in-person on tailoring, ring size, construction or any other questions you might have.
Pattern service
I can draw up a pattern for you to assist you with your project and make it less daunting.
"All the subtler, trickier techniques I learnt from Nick. The mail I joust and fight in fits and works because of his patient guidance"
Dr Tobias Capwell FSA (Jouster)

I can make any item to your taste, metal preference and design preference. I will have a detailed consultation with you and produce the item you want - from a necklace or ring to mail underwear!
"I will treasure the collared vase you made me and will pass it on as an heirloom"
Catherine Martin MVO - Windsor Castle